Our Programs

Each centre, facility, and room at Preston Early Learning Centre strives to provide programs and activities which are suited to the children in care at any particular point in time.

Programs are guided by the Play and Exploration Model and the goals of the programs vary from room to room and facility to facility. Staff members aim to enhance the following opportunities throughout the child’s day:

  • Ability to be self expressive and creative

  • Ability to problem solve

  • Feel safe, confident and comfortable in their environment

  • Increase awareness of self and others

  • Increase independence

  • Develop cognitively, emotionally, spiritually and physically

PELC’s believes all children are honored when we apply PELC’s Image of the child in our daily practises.

Children are:

Inquisitive, Passionate, Limitless, Resilient, Unique, Capable, & Competent


The Reggio Emilia Approach is an innovative and inspiring approach to early childhood education which values the child as strong, capable and resilient; rich with wonder and knowledge.

Partnering with Schools

Our Fairhaven, Holliston, Willowgrove, and Stonebridge centres partner with the schools (where they are located) to provide unique learning opportunities to our children and families as we work to create seamless days for all involved. Staff and children are involved in joint excursions and engage in partnerships with specific grades for enhanced projects. Sharing space and equipment is also essential to our success.

This also allows for an easier transition for children into the mainstream school as they are already located within the school itself making their surroundings already familiar.